Introduction to Electronics Training Courses

Interested in Electronics? Always thought it was rocket science?

- If the world of Electronics fascinates you, then this is the course for you.

IOT - are you prepared for the opportunities awaiting you?

Oh and by the way it's not rocket science ... really!

Entry requirements: This is the ideal course for someone who has an interest in electronics but doesn't know where to start. This is a beginners course.This course is a basic introduction to electronics but with a focus on Arduino.

  • The 1 day Electronics training course introduces you to electronics and involves coding
  • and progamming of processors.
  • You will leave with knowledge to make a LED blink at the speed of your choice etc.
  • Course duration : Saturday Half Day
  • Days : Saturday
  • Next Date : Contact us
  • Time : 9:00 to 14:00
  • Cost : R2 999,00 excluding VAT
  • Venue : Piketberg, Western cape
  • Included : Arduino, breadboard , Multi Meter and relevant components and lot's of FUN!

  • The 2nd Electronics training course introduces you to more advanced electronics such as touch screens
  • and involves both the coding of the Arduino and the touch screen.
  • You will leave with knowledge to turn a LED on/off with a touch screen.
  • Course duration : 2 Weekly Days
  • Days : Monday-Friday
  • Next Date : Contact us
  • Time : 9:00 to 14:00
  • Cost : R4 999,00 excluding VAT
  • Venue : Piketberg, Western cape
  • Included : 3.2" Touch Screen and Components included.

  • The 3rd Electronics training course introduces you to even more advanced themes such and sending/receiving
  • an SMS and using the message electronically.
  • You will leave with knowledge to turn a LED on/off with an SMS.
  • Course duration : 2 Weekly Days
  • Days : Monday-Friday
  • Next Date : Contact us
  • Time : 9:00 to 14:00
  • Cost : R4 999,00 excluding VAT
  • Venue : Piketberg, Western cape
  • Included : SMS unit and Serial Components included.


  • Introduction to the Micro Controller Unit (Arduino)
  • Digital inputs and outputs
  • Analogue inputs and outputs
  • Introduction to the Arduino IDE
  • Introduction to C based Programming
  • Lab One: Make a LED blink
  • Calculate resistor value using Ohm's law
  • Connect LED and resistor to digital pin
  • Make the LED blink
  • Add Serial debugging
  • Future improvements :
  • Now you can simply add or replace the LED with a siren and add Movement sensor/s and LDR
  • Alarm Sytem created and built all by yourself!
  • And not just a simple one , no this alarm only works when it's dark - perfect!
  • Imagine what you can add and how you can improve it?
  • Maybe it should phone you on your cellphone or send you a SMS!
  • Or you can add a button or a Keypad with a passcode to de-activate it.
  • You could also think of scenario's during Load shedding which can save equipment
  • or allow you to take appropriate action when the power goes off or when the temperature
  • in a server room reaches a threshold ... the sky is the limit!
  • Join the Arduino community and prepare yourself for great opportunities that lie ahead.
  • IOT - or the Internet of things predictions are that 7 Billion devices will be added
  • before the end of the decade - how much of these will you connect?
  • We like to ensure our students have fun on the course and leave with the knowledge that they came for and more.

    We are passionate about Open source and Arduino and we enjoy sharing our knowledge with you our valued customer.

    To Register, please send us your completed registration form and proof of payment.

    Download , complete and return this Registration form : DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM

    Or email us with your query : training at

    Who attends this training ?

    Children from the age of 12 that shows potential to become the engineers of tomorrow - these children will be the innovators of the future.

    Young people interested in all the opportunities of the modern age, specifically IOT,AI and security - to the older generation who believed they had to attend university to get involved with electronics or the hobbyist, the cronic tinkerer or the DIY enthusiast.

    Arduino represents an easy access to your journey of understanding electronics. It is the worlds favourite learning platform for microcontrollers.